Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Probably Time to Retire

Today was my last day at Hubbard Middle School. I read over my last post. Man, things just spiraled down from their.

This year was the worst year of my life. I hated going to school most days. I felt like Office Space. I lost pleasure in most of my hobbies. Teaching is by far the most unhealthy thing I ever did in my life. My mental and physical health is at an all time low. I became impatient (something I was pretty good at), and I was easily irritable.

Tomorrow, dawn awakens! (also a cool poem I read today). I look forward to a new start. I'm pretty unsatisfied with my failures as a teacher, but the cost benefit analysis is too risky. I would like to do something in education and or social change because I still believe that education is the key to solving most if not all the problems our society faces.

Too bad I didn't keep this blog up. It probably would have improved my teaching significantly. O well. I didn't. I do plan to write and read more over the summer. The universe is the limit!